Tuesday, September 30, 2014

HWH 9-30-14

The class completed the test on the Roman Empire and started looking at upcoiming information about the Early Middle Ages.  Please encourage your student to complete all the work before it is due.  Many students are doing little to none of the homework and are unable to participate in class.  They then do not have the information they need to study for the test.

Honors US I and US I 9-3-14

The classes completed their test on Unit 2 and began looking at the information for Unit 3.  All notes are posted on the blog as well as upcoming dates.  Please encourage your student(s) to review and study their notes nightly.  This is the information being used to write the pop quizzes being taken by each class.  It is an effort to get the students to start looking at material earlier as opposed to the night before or the day of the test.

Monday, September 29, 2014

HWH Unit 5 Vocabulary

Honors World History

The Early Middle Ages Vocabulary

1)     Clovis

2)     Medieval

3)     Franks

4)     Charles Martel

5)     Battle fo Tours

6)     Charlemagne

7)     Magyars

8)     Vikings

9)     Feudalism


11)Feudal contract









20)Benedictine Rule


22)Papal Supremacy

23)Canon Law




27)St. Francis of Assisi




31)Tenant farmer

32)Middle Class




HWH Unit 5 Focus Questions

Honors World History

The Early Middle Ages

Focus Questions


1)      Why was this period in Europe once called the Dark Ages?

2)      How did the culture of the Germans differ from that of the Romans?

3)      How much of Europe did Charlemagne control?

4)      How did Charlemagne enlarge his kingdom?

5)      How did he spread Christianity?

6)      How did this help unify his realm?

7)      Why did Charlemagne support education?

8)      What might be the effect on a country of Viking invasions?

9)      How did Charlemagne’s empire split

10)  What invasions threatened these kingdoms?

11)  How was the collapse of Charlemagne’s empire similar to the collapse of the Roman Empire?

12)  What obligations did a vassal have to his lord?

13)  What obligations did a lord have to his vassals?

14)  Why were castles also important to medieval warfare?

15)  How did noblewomen contribute to this warrior society?

16)  Explain how Eleanor of Aquitaine’s life as a noble woman was different from that of a peasant.

17)  What did peasants do for lords?

18)  What did lords do for the peasants?

19)  Why do you think peasants died so young?

20)  How was the Church involved in each event of a person’s life?

21)  How do you think Church teachings about women influenced people’s daily lives?

22)  Why were even poor people willing to pay their tithes?

23)  Even though monks and nuns had withdrawn from society, what contributions did they make to the general welfare?

24)  What role did monks and nuns play in preserving ancient culture?

25)  What advantages did convents provide for women?

26)  What gave the Church political and economic power?

27)  What gave the Church spiritual authority and how did that lead to political power?

28)  What major problem stemmed from the Church’s success?

29)  How were Jews treated in Muslim Spain?

30)  Why did persecution of Jews increase in the late 1000s?

31)  Where did Jews migrate in response to this persecution?

32)  How did the new plow and harness lead to increased farm production?

33)  What methods were used to increase production?

34)  Why would improve farming lead to population growth?

35)  What advantage did a charter give townspeople over people who lived in villages attached to manors?

36)  What changes spurred travel towards the end of the Early Middle Ages?

37)  How did partnerships, insurance, credit, and bills of exchange lessen the risk for the merchant or businessperson doing business?

38)  How did the changes mentioned above lead to changes in society?

39)  How did guilds affect the growth and increased political power of towns?

40)  Why were towns good for trade?

41)  How might the growth of towns begin to change medieval life?

42)  Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?



HWH Unit 5 Syllabus

Honors World History

Unit 5 Syllabus


Read pgs. 214-218
Early Middle Ages
Section 1 p. 218
Section 2, p. 224
  1. Complete Section 1, p. 218
  2. Focus Questions (1-11)
  3. Vocabulary (1-8)
Read pgs. 219-224
Feudalism and the Manor Economy
Section 2, p. 224
1.       Complete Section 2, p. 224
2.      Focus Questions (12-19)
3.      Vocabulary (9-18)
Read pgs. 225 - 230
Early Church
Section 3, p. 230
1.       Complete Section 3, p. 230
2.      Focus Questions (20-31)
3.      Vocabulary (19-27)
Read pgs. 231 - 236
Economic Recovery
Section 4, p. 236
1.       Complete Section 4, p. 236
2.      Focus Questions (32-42
3.      Vocabulary (28-35)
Unit 4 Test
Unit 4 Test
Unit 4 Test

HWH 9-29-14

Honors World History

Assessment 5 p. 177


1)   Key Terms:

2) How did military, political, social, and econ0mic factors combine to cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

A)            The Romans were unable to defend against foreign invasion because of the weakness of their armies and political rivalries among commanders.  Also, heavy taxes needed to finance the mercenary army hurt the economy, as did reliance on slave labor. Decline in moral values reduced the number of capable people willing to accept positions in public life.

3) How did Diocletian try to resolve the crisis affecting the Roman Empire?

A)            Crisis caused by political violence and instability; Diocletian divided the empire to make governing easier.

4) How did the successes of invaders such as the Huns reveal the fading power of the Roman Empire?

A)            Showed how weak the Roman army was

5) What features of the Western Roman Empire survived after the year 476?

A)            Roman culture, laws, and language survived


Focus Questions (37 -41)

37)   Why are political instability and frequent, violent changes in leadership a serious problem for a government?

They lead to lack of continuity and frequent changes in policies, weaken rule of law, decrease respect for and trust in government, make citizens fearful and uncertain, make long-term economic or social planning impossible, damage trade, and made businesses reluctant to invest

38)  How did over cultivation of land and the empire’s economic problems affect the status of small farmers?

The burden of high taxes led small farms to fail, forcing farmers to work on larges estates for landowners.  Farmers lost independence and the freedom to leave the land.

39)  Why did Rome’s internal problems make it harder to stop the Huns and other invaders?

Division of the empire, economic decline, power struggles among rival generals, and political instability all made the army less effective.

40)  How were military and social problems related?

Decline in such vales as patriotism and devotion to duty made the hiring of mercenaries necessary

41)   Why are the developments that ended the Roman Empire more correctly called a decline than fall?

They were gradual rather than sudden, and the Roman empire did not disappear completely.


Vocabulary (34 -39)

34)  Augustine - Bishop of Hippo in North Africa; combined Christian doctrine with Greco-Roman learning, especially the philosophy of Plato

35)   Diocletian - divided Rome into two parts to make it easier to rule; he kept control of Eastern Rome while Maximian ruled Western Rome; fixed prices of many goods; forced farmers to stay on land and forced sons to follow the occupations of their fathers

36)  Inflation - rapid rise of prices

37)   Constantinople - new capital established by Constantine

38)  Huns - nomadic people fo central Asia; played role in the Fall of Rome

39)  Mercenary - soldier serving in a foreign army for pay



Honors United States History I and United States History I will have a test on Unit 2 tomorrow (Sept. 30, 2014)!!!!!!!!   Study the notes, review questions, and triangular trade map.

Friday, September 26, 2014

HUS I & US I Due 9-29-14

The following items should be completed before you come to class on Monday, September 29, 2014:

1) Unit 2 Review Quetions #1
2) Unit 2 Review Questions #2
3) Unit 2 Triangular Trade Activity

HUS I & US I 9-26-14

Unit 2, Review Questions #2
Answer the following on your own paper.  You should be able to write an appropriate response with no less than a paragraph.

1) What were the main purposes of the mercantile system of trade?
2) Show how British mercantile policy placed restrictions on colonial (a) manufacturing, (b) shipbuilding, or (c) manufacturer of beaver hats and iron products?  Give reasons.  Yes or No is not acceptable.
4) How did the New Englanders profit from the triangular trade?
5) In 1763 the British suddenly decided to enforce the mercantile laws to the limit.  Why?

HWH 9-26-14

Honors World History

Section 3 Assessment, p. 165


1)      Key Terms

2)      How did advances in arts, learning, and the law show the Romans’ high regard for cultural and political achievements?

A)     Rome supported writers, artists, and scientists, who produced many of its cultural and political achievements.  The Romans found practical applications for advances in science and mathematics, and developed comprehensive legal codes.

3)      How did Greek culture influence the development of Roman civilizations?

A)     The Romans borrowed much of their philosophy from Greek thinkers and based their art and architecture partly on Greek models.

4)      How did Romans use science and mathematics to improve life in the empire?

A)     Roman engineers built roads, bridges, harbors, and aqueducts

5)      Give two examples of how Roman principles of law affect life in the United States today.

A)     Roman principles of law that are part of the American legal system include the presumption of innocence, provision for the accused to face the accuser and offer a defense against the charge, the establishment of guilt only through evidence, allowing judges to interpret laws, and expecting judges to make fair decisions.












Honors World History

Assessment 4, p. 171


1)      Key Words

2)      How did Christianity emerge and then spread to become the official religion of the Roman Empire?

A)     It emerged from a sect within Judaism based on the teachings of Jesus.  Followers helped to make it a major religion.  It was declared the official religion of the Roman Empire by the Emperor Theodosius.

3)      Why were many Jews unhappy under Roman rule even though the Romans were tolerant of their religion?

A)     Many Jews were concerned that Hellenistic influenced were weakening their religion.  They wanted strict obedience to Jewish laws and traditions.  The Zealots wanted an independent Jewish state.

4)      What were three basic teachings of Jesus?

A)     Jesus believed that anyone who believed in his teachings would obtain eternal life.  He emphasized God’s love and taught the need for justice, morality, service to others, and forgiveness.

5)      What practices and organizational structures helped establish the early Christian Church?

A)     Practice:  baptism, Eucharist

B)     Structures:  a hierarchy of church officials that included priests, bishop, and patriarchs


Focus Questions (22-36)

22)       What is the goal of writing satire?

To make fun of or call attention to problems or improper conduct

23)       How did the Romans show their admiration for Greek literature, philosophy, and the arts?

They copied Greek styles in prose and poetry; adapted Greek and Hellenistic philosophy, especially Stoicism; and to some extent, based art and architecture on Greek models.  Like Greek sculpture, some Roman sculpture was realistic.

24)       What were the main differences between Roman and Greek sculpture and literature?

Some Roman sculpture focused on revealing an individual’s character and some was idealistic rather than realistic.  Roman architecture stressed grandeur rather than elegance, improved on structural devices such as columns and arches, and developed the rounded dome.

25)       What were some practical applications of Roman engineering skills?

Roads, bridges, harbors, aqueducts



26)       What original research did Greek citizens of the empire do?

Ptolemy proposed an Earth-centered theory of the universe; Galen used experiments to prove a conclusion

27)       What was Rome’s greatest legacy and how is it reflected in the U.S. justice system?

Commitment to rule of law and justice; such concepts as innocent until proven guilty, need for evidence to prove guilt, judicial interpretation of laws.

28)       What were citizens of different faiths expected to do in exchange for toleration of their religious beliefs and practices?

Show loyalty to Rome by honoring Roman gods and acknowledging the divine spirit of the emperor

29)       What was the outcome of the Zealot revolt?

Roman forces crushed the rebels, captured Jerusalem, and destroyed the Jewish temple.  In the next century Roman armies leveled Jerusalem and Jews were dispersed.



30)       What new beliefs attracted many followers to Jesus?

The belief that Jesus was the messiah and would bring spiritual salvation and eternal life to those who believed in him

31)       How did Paul spread Christianity?

He traveled around the Mediterranean and set up churches in Asia Minor and Greece; he wrote long letters to Christian communities explaining difficult doctrines, judging disputes, and expanding Christian teachings.

32)       What was the effect of Paul’s missionary work?

Christianity began to grow form a sect within Judaism to an emerging world religion.

33)       Why did the Romans persecute Christians?

They suspected Christians of disloyalty to Rome.

34)       How did the unity of the empire make missionary efforts easier?

The unity of the empire and common languages made communication of Christian beliefs easier; Roman roads facilitated missionary travel



35)       Why did Church leaders seek a hierarchy or structure for the Church?

To ensure uniformity in beliefs, practices, and rituals so that local priests or bishops, did not act independently, and to provide an orderly way to make decisions and settle conflicts over doctrines or practices

36)       What issue led to disagreement between the Church in the Latin-speaking west and the Greek-speaking east?

Rivalry among patriarchs over whether greater power should be given to the bishop of Rome – who came to be called the pope – or should be divided among five patriarchs who shared spiritual authority equally



Vocabulary (19-34)

19)       Satirize - make fun of

20)       Mosaic - picture made from chips of colored stone or glass

21)       Engineering - application of science and mathematics to develop useful structures and machines

22)       Aqueduct - in ancient Rome, underground or bridge like stone structure that carried water from the hills into the cities

23)       Ptolemy - proposed the theory that the Earth was the center of the universe, a mistaken idea that was accepted in the Western world for nearly 1500 years

24)       Messiah - savior sent by God

25)       Apostle - leader or teacher of a new faith or movement

26)       Paul - Jew from Asia Minor who established Christian churches in Asia Minor and put Christianity on the road to becoming a world religion

27)       Martyr - person who suffers or dies for his or her beliefs

28)       Constantine – made Christianity legal; established new capital of Constantinople

29)       Clergy - the body of people who conduct Christian services

30)       Bishop - high-ranking Church official with authority over a local area, or diocese

31)       Patriarch - in the Roman and Byzantine empires, highest church official in a major city

32)       Pope - – head of the Roman Catholic Church; in ancient Rome, bishop of Rome who claimed authority over all other bishops

33)       Heresy - religious belief that is contrary to the official teachings of a church

34)       Augustine - Bishop of Hippo in North Africa; combined Christian doctrine with Greco-Roman learning, especially the philosophy of Plato