World History
Early Middle Ages
Why was this period in Europe once called
the Dark Ages?
How did the culture of the Germans differ
from that of the Romans?
How much of Europe did Charlemagne control?
How did Charlemagne enlarge his kingdom?
How did he spread Christianity?
How did this help unify his realm?
Why did Charlemagne support education?
What might be the effect on a country of
Viking invasions?
How did Charlemagne’s empire split
10) What
invasions threatened these kingdoms?
11) How
was the collapse of Charlemagne’s empire similar to the collapse of the Roman
12) What
obligations did a vassal have to his lord?
13) What
obligations did a lord have to his vassals?
14) Why
were castles also important to medieval warfare?
15) How
did noblewomen contribute to this warrior society?
16) Explain
how Eleanor of Aquitaine’s life as a noble woman was different from that of a
17) What
did peasants do for lords?
18) What
did lords do for the peasants?
19) Why
do you think peasants died so young?
20) How
was the Church involved in each event of a person’s life?
21) How
do you think Church teachings about women influenced people’s daily lives?
22) Why
were even poor people willing to pay their tithes?
23) Even
though monks and nuns had withdrawn from society, what contributions did they
make to the general welfare?
24) What
role did monks and nuns play in preserving ancient culture?
25) What
advantages did convents provide for women?
26) What
gave the Church political and economic power?
27) What
gave the Church spiritual authority and how did that lead to political power?
28) What
major problem stemmed from the Church’s success?
29) How
were Jews treated in Muslim Spain?
30) Why
did persecution of Jews increase in the late 1000s?
31) Where
did Jews migrate in response to this persecution?
32) How
did the new plow and harness lead to increased farm production?
33) What
methods were used to increase production?
34) Why
would improve farming lead to population growth?
35) What
advantage did a charter give townspeople over people who lived in villages
attached to manors?
36) What
changes spurred travel towards the end of the Early Middle Ages?
37) How
did partnerships, insurance, credit, and bills of exchange lessen the risk for
the merchant or businessperson doing business?
38) How
did the changes mentioned above lead to changes in society?
39) How
did guilds affect the growth and increased political power of towns?
40) Why
were towns good for trade?
41) How
might the growth of towns begin to change medieval life?
42) Who
wrote The Canterbury Tales?
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